“[Kristine Opolais] sang with a coolly lustrous tone and at times a fierce dramatic intensity, bringing a quasi-operatic sense of character and drama to individual songs.”

Jeremy Eichler – Boston Globe

“In “Malagueña,” Opolais’s high wailing did convey the panic of tavern patrons wondering where death would strike next … There was total commitment …”

Jeffrey Gantz – The Boston Musical Intelligencer

“Kristine Opolais brought her skills as an accomplished singing actress to bear creating a distinct character for each of her songs. The suicide was a mesmerising, blanched voice from beyond the grave, the woman of “On the Alert” girlish and oddly detached, Madame of “Look Here, Madame!” coquettish before descending into hysterics, and the narrator a mourner at the bier of the poet in “The Poet’s Death”. The two soloists joined for a robotic, affectless “Conclusion”.”

Kevin Wells – Bachtrack

Image by Robert Torres